Nine autistic detectives gathered in the shadow of Cabezon Peak to munch popcorn, sit on Frida, and await para Leon while they
discussed hard copy accessibility, Islamic pirates, safety latches on the
inside of car trunks, stereotyped drunken mothers, and the response time of
police sharpshooters. Some of their
observations were captured on a small hand-held recorder:
Dick Jensen: I liked the story, I liked the characters, I
liked the writing. An easy read, but the
last part ruined it for me: when the
sharpshooter shot the guy in the head and everyone lived happily ever
after. B+
Rob E: I second all of that – the author wrapped it
up too much. B
Dick Arms: I was greatly bothered by the coincidences
and contrivances. How did the cops get
there so suddenly? B
Charlie: Good first effort. Don’t give up your day
job. B
Ron B: I give it an A for Entertainment, a B+ for
crafting the story. A good
adventure/mystery: A-
Bob Woods: I read some, hated it.
Ken Gillen: Predicable but a page turner. Enjoyed it!
Mike: Maybe it had some good parts. Maybe it has
some well-written metaphors. Maybe I
learned how to perform a wristlock takedown. Maybe the code should have been worked on a bit more. Maybe Carl didn’t have to die the night after he found out he had
received exoneration. Maybe this is a B.
Jack Farrell: I enjoyed this first novel. Obviously not great literary work, but I
thought it would be a great book to take to the beach. It did remind me of a John Grisham novel: engaging, direct, clean. A page turner. The characters were not really complex, but
not flat either. B+