Thursday, December 24, 2020

Outliers by Malcolm Gladwell

 'Twas brillig in the slithy toves, and a dozen formerly successful white males, all born within seven years of each other, clustered within the confines of their computer monitors. 'Twas a cold winter day out there in both the Big Duke City and in Guthrie, OK - even California was at 47 degrees - a good day to huddle up with a warm book in front of a roaring (or gas supplemented) fireplace.
The successful ones spoke coherently and offered the following observations re their own achievements. 

Jack:  I thoroughly enjoyed Outliers. It was fascinating to me. I thought it would be another one of those mind-numbing success manuals, but I found it entertaining and thought-provoking. If Gladwell's intent was to make me think about the world a little differently and why certain people succeed, he was successful. A-

Peter:  Subtitle of Gladwell's book is The Story of Success.  Right off the bat my reaction is: Trite. Is there anything we as Americans worship more than success? Well ok, maybe Twinkies, but the suggestion here is one story after another of SUCCESS. Boring. 

Some folks ask, why see "Hamlet," we know how it ends? 

More to the point, Dylan Thomas, "After the first death there is no other,..." death, in effect , but also always the same. 

The Rosetans introduction. Yes, heartwarming, but hardly unique, as it is an example of the Mediterranean Diet we have come to love, and its life style, simply transposed to America. 

Example: My former neighbor, Rena Cavaletti, from a Hornell, NY, railroad family. Went to work as a "soda jerk" at fourteen, at which time by her own admission she started to smoke. She died at age 94, still smoking Pall Mall unfiltered. So was it the Mediterranean diet she had taught me to cook, or the life style of her Italian community in Hornell, or just good genes? Hard to isolate a proximate cause, as Gladwell does, other than by wishful thinking. 

The 10,000 Rule, the Beatles playing for the magic number of hours in seedy clubs in Hamburg. But as Gladwell, and the Beatles themselves, declare, it could not just as well have been the sex and drugs, rather than the long hours, that were the reasons for their success. 

So then the Silicon Valley guys, pioneers of modern information systems, the quintessential trio at the chapter's end to be born within a year of each other. Realizing that knowledge may be conveyed by a binary system and lucky enough to enter this field at a seminal time, they are recognized as its pioneers. But this is just as much a matter of the right place at the right time than of clustering birth dates. And as punch cards with their Honeywell sorters attest, the principal concept and its technology, admittedly in a state of infancy, were already known in the 19th century rug and tapestry mills of England and Belgium, which had mechanized pattern weaving by the same method of punch cards. 

I don't know if this is a quite fair analogy, but let's take an area of somewhat greater consequence to see whether we would ascribe success to the clustering of birth dates of the individuals. In the 19th century Lise Meitner, 1878, Albert Einstein, 1879, Niels Bohr, 1885; and later the youngsters, Werner Heisenberg, 1901, Robert Oppenheimer, 1904, Hans Behte, 1906, Edward Teller, 1908. Throwing out the new kid, Richard Feynman, 1918, the first group clusters within seven years, and so does the later one. Altogether they cluster by birth date across fourteen years. Would anyone--other than Gladwell--ascribe the genius of their formulations to the proximity of their birth dates? A certain group that clusters can become idolized as pioneers. But in the end it remains a matter of advancing human knowledge in which the individual human genius and effort play an admittedly concomitant but also co-incidental probative part. Birth dates by themselves are inconsequential.

Gladwell's allegations do not amount to causality; they remain the "oh-aren't-we-clever" stuff found on the NYT's best sellers.  Grade:  B

Karl:  This book is both interesting and thought-provoking. It’s well put together and the stories in it are fascinating. The writing style is adequate to the task. 

The book starts off talking about real outliers but most of the book is not so much about outliers as it is stories of successful people, hence the subtitle: The Story of Success

The author’s arguments are most convincing when they are data-based. Those where he is extrapolating from one or two examples are less convincing – though still interesting and thought-provoking. 

My biggest criticism with the book is that the author doesn’t give enough credit to success for drive, perseverance, ambition, intelligence, and good old hard work. Though to be fair, he does call attention to all of these things at different points in the narrative. It’s difficult to think that anyone who has read this book can continue to think himself as “self-made.” The author is quite effective in showing that that’s not quite the case, even for folks who are thought of as real outliers. 

Overall, the book accomplishes what it sets out to do – and does so in a credible, easy-to-follow way. A-

and locked well outside the confines of the friendly Zoom video screen:

Mike:  The title threw me a bit, as in my mind “outliers” are statistically questionable outcomes that you throw out of the calculation. An example in the recent election where several polls had Joe Biden leading by 4% to 7%, but one “outlier” had him ahead by 17%. No one believed that poll, and all called it an ‘outlier’. 

The cover of the book threw me a bit also. 

The hockey players all born in January and February reminded me of what my late wife Helen would say about artists. I felt she was very talented art wise, but she would counter, “There are thousands of really good artists out there, they are just not known.” That also reminded me of Dolly Parton who said her siblings sang as good as she did. She was the one who wanted to perform onstage. 

I’m thinking the real secret of success is motivation – you have to be really obsessed with your interest and work hard to get better at it. I was always surprised to hear that Michael Jordan practiced so much – I thought, “Heck, he’s the best basketball player in the country, he doesn’t need to practice, just show up!” 

When Tom and I were teaching at the Air Force Academy, Helen and I had season tickets to the Falcons basketball games. But they were quite boring, and we often got up from our basketball seats and walked up to the concourse and down into the ice hockey arena seats – which were free. And there we noticed a Gladwell Correlation - namely, that five of the Academy's eleven fielded hockey players were all from the litile town of International Falls, Minnesota. Aha! Another criterion for success! (also, that they were all shorter and weighed less than Helen, but she didn't like for me to point out that criteria). 

What upset me the most was the presentation of Rosie, the hard-working non-math individual working with the computer program on slope (as correctly defined by rise over run). The author could have easily mentioned that it takes two points to determine a line and thus the slope of a line, and with the illustrations provided, apparently all lines went through the intersection of the X and Y axis, thus (0,0) was one [of two] points that determined the line we would be working with. 

OF COURSE it is possible to provide a formula for a line parallel to the Y axis. The Y-axis itself has the line formula: X=0 , a completely legitimate formula. Yes, the slope is infinite, but the formula is solid. There are infinite such lines parallel to the Y axis, e.g., X = 2, X= pi, X=.0001.  

My calculated slope for Outliers:  B

Saturday, November 28, 2020

White Guilt by Shelby Steele

On Thursday, 19 November 2020 at 2 pm MST, ten kindly old philosophers gathered around the warmth of their individual computer monitors to discuss how we moved from the 60s to the 20s and never grasped if the direction was forward or backward.  Prof Irons set the dials on the Zoom Machine and Solicitor Simon captured the notes as we derived the formula for settling the racial issue once and for ever. 

  “It is also the formula that keeps black America underdeveloped even as we enjoy new freedom and a proliferation of opportunity. No worse fate could befall a group emerging from oppression than to find itself gripped by a militancy that sees justice in making others responsible for its advancement.”
                                                            ― Shelby Steele, White Guilt  


Mike –  I was upset by the rioting in the streets for 100 days. Candace Owens in her YouTube video spoke of blacks eulogizing "the lowest common denominator" (not a correct math analogy) and credited Shelby Steele. Then I heard him speak on TV and Rob obtained The Content of Our Character that had won the 1990 Kennedy Award and the 1991 National Book Critics Award for non-fiction which led me to White Guilt

Shelby Steele was born in Chicago. His grandfather was born a slave. His father was a truck driver and his mother was employed at CORE. He is 75 years of age. He was educated at Stanford, received his M.A. from Southern Illinois, and taught at Univ. of Utah. He received his PhD. in 1974 and turned down tenure at Univ. of Utah. Since 1994 he has been on staff at Stanford’s Hoover Institute. Shelby has a twin brother who also has been affiliated with Stanford and now is assistant dean at Berkeley. 

Peter – The tone is unsparing. Steele has a nice way of expressing himself in logical progression from liberalism to white guilt. The theme seems to be that Steele experienced an epiphany after hearing Dick Gregory in the late 60’s. He stopped driving a bus that revelation. 

Dick- Steele made a big attack on a woman he did not think had sufficient credentials or intellect who suggested teaching a Black Literature course. Steele did a good job on the 60’s. We think of the counterculture but there were also millions of Young Americans for Freedom who followed Goldwater’s form of conservativism, especially on college campuses. I grew up in Utah, so I did not grow up in the 60’s that most of the U.S. youth experienced. 

Mike – Instead of supporting the Supreme Court affirmative action decisions Steele seems to support “We will do it on our own.” 

Charlie – Malcolm X seemed to share Steele’s philosophy. He said, “Screw Whitey, we'll take responsibility for ourselves.” 

Dick -There is a new non-fiction biography on Malcom X that won (or is nominated) for a National Book Award. Self-reliance is good for gifted athletes but not good for blacks in education. 

Tom – He does not dwell on it but Steele favors innovative schooling and schools.  I don’t place all the burden on the black community for education. We need to face up to the problem of educating blacks and other under-privileged youths. We need a national program for education.

Peter – White guilt is for white people because it makes them feel better by doing something and it may foster a change of heart in the black community. 

Mike – Remember the book was written in 2006. Much has changed since then including the Black Lives Matter Movement. 

Dick – “Steele is really talking about White Male Guilt, women are secondary.” American history has mostly been about white men. Tom – “I think Steele mischaracterizes hard work as white supremacist prejudice. Many want to tear down and rebuild the educational structure because it is not working.” 

Karl – "If you have to call yourself a progressive, you probably are not.” 

Mike – We are seeing the breakdown of nuclear families.  The abdication of the nuclear family is one of the most egregious positions taken by BLM, a stated position in their published manifesto which they removed from their website only in Sept 2020 as the corporations started pouring money into them. 

Karl – Candice Owens talks about the breakdown of nuclear families. 

Tom –The evidence is that all families are breaking down. 

Jeff – There is lots of prejudice in Utah and at the core of the Mormon church. Until recently the Church did not allow black priests, until missionaries in Brazil sought to name black persons priests. So, the Church changed its position.

Peter – “There is a moral vacuum due to a lack of commitment to the Constitution.” P. 82 quote puts everything wrong in the U.S. on white guilt. Vacousness in lives is all linked to lack of faith in the Constitution. Steele is saying that democracy is based on the Constitution and our failing is that we have not been committed to the Constitution. 

Jack- White guilt led to lack of commitment to the Constitution. What we have now is a result of the counter culture revolution of the 60’s. Unfortunately, Steele did not offer any solution. 

Tom – My question is, Where do we go from here? 

Jeff - The book made me look at my voting habits. Whites were guilty of racism. Steele says there was no good result from White Guilt. There seem to be multiple solutions – education sucks but some can rise up when given the opportunity to a good education. I met a black theologian at a seminar who told me he was driving his Mercedes home wearing a three-piece suit when he was stopped by the police and made to lie on the ground and was handcuffed in Pasadena, CA. When he asked the police why he had been stopped they told him, “Because you are a black man driving a Mercedes.”   We need to fix systems like that.

Tom – Studies show that racial bias does not play a role in violence against blacks.  I am bothered by BLM’s focus on something that is not helpful like defunding police departments. Instead we should be focused on education, especially in the inner-cities.

Peter – The black community plays on white guilt and that does not help the black community. George Floyd was not a cultural hero because the police killed him.

Jeff – Taking drugs and having a criminal record does not give police a right to kill a black person.

Summaries and Grades 

Karl – This book is several edits short of being a well-written exposé on White guilt and its ramifications. Often the sentence structure is too convoluted to catch the intended meaning without rereading – sometimes several times. That seems unnecessary. 

Also, it is doubtful that the author would do well in a college course on Logic as some of his arguments are extremely questionable, in my view. In addition, he relies on too many premises without supporting evidence. Many, I believe, are suspect. 

Nevertheless, this is one of the most thought-provoking and insightful books that I think I’ve ever read. It took me a long time to read it – in part because of the cumbersome writing style and in part because I had to stop to think about what I had just read. 

Depending on what I read, my reactions can be assigned to one of three categories: 1) Yes, I knew that but I have never or possibly could never have expressed it. 2) Now, that’s really interesting. Makes sense. That helps explain things. And, 3) I don’t buy that at all. Sorry. 

Still, while some of his premises are arguable, most of his conclusions seem sound. Other than the writing style I have three criticisms. One has to do with using Eisenhower as a hypothetical racist early in the book to make his point about the changes in what had been societally acceptable between the 1950’s and the 1990’s. Fair enough. But later on, he seems to take that hypothetical example as if it were real. That, I think is unfair. 

The second criticism has to do with the unending generalization that Whites and Blacks are each homogenous groups – or at least as far as the author’s arguments go. I understand why that was helpful to his theses, but I’m not sure it was necessary – nor do I believe that the author sees the world that way. 

The third has to do with the way the book ends. The last two paragraphs are about the author, not about the problem he has been discussing. I expected a proffering of a solution to the problems he described, but none was forthcoming. That’s a disappointment. 

Were this book easier to read, it could be used in schools – the earlier, the better. I think that would be a good idea. As it is written, that’d be a real stretch. 

The concept of White guilt and its ramifications reminds me of Aristotle. He was a pretty smart guy and he kind of summed up what this book is describing, though in a very different context. Specifically, “Nature abhors a vacuum.” In this book, the vacuum relates to the moral authority of Whites. 

I’d summarize as follows: the book is not particularly well-written nor are the author’s arguments particularly concise, with many being logically suspect, yet it is compelling and definitely worth reading.  Grade:  B+ 

Rob- - Useful book. It creates rhetorical questions as applied to Trump. A stimulating read as was Candice Owens' speech. Lots of work is still needed. It is hard for me to see how Biden can deal with this problem. Grade:  B+ 

Charlie – I agree with much that has been said. I think Steele is correct on the big picture. Unfortunately, his are arguments are convoluted and the book was too long. The big problem with the book is that it offers no solution. Grade – B 

Jack:  I was looking forward to reading Shelby Steele's White Guilt to get another perspective of racism in America, having just read How to Be an Antiracist by Ibram X. Kendi, but I was disappointed. It was a difficult read for me. I had trouble following the logic of his argument and frequently got bogged down in his use of what I assumed were sociological terms (social determinism, establishment consciousness, dissociation, etc.) even though he attempted to define some of them. 

I did enjoy his personal story of how he experienced America's journey from segregation through the civil rights movement and black militancy to the "Great Society" and affirmative action. I was hoping he would conclude with some suggestions as to how we could best restore the moral authority he claims we whites lost when we acknowledged the existence of racism in our country, other than simply saying we should adhere to democratic principles. When I finished the book, I felt I was left with too many unanswered questions.  Grade: B

Tom – I also agree with most of what was said. It would have been better as a long essay than a book. He was very repetitive but I agree with what he says happened in the last 50 to 60 years. It is hard to look at what is going on in schools and not be depressed if one believes that schools’ job is to prepare students with the skills to perform in college or in a job. If some blacks want to be separate, then they should be able to do so. Grade – A

Dick – I need to get on my soapbox for a moment. There have been lots of negative things said about BLM.  But I want to emphasize that there are two sides to these issues. There are also the militias and Boogaloo Bois agitating and rioting, A lot of the current chaos is coming from the Right. I just want things to be balanced. As for the book, it was way too long, there was no conclusion and no solution offered. As an academic, I also have a negative bias against Steele as a member of the Stanford’s Hoover Institute. Grade – B

Bob Simon – My review is attached. 

Peter – Let me preface what I say with the fact that I started out in SDS (Students for a Democratic Society, founded 1960).  Steele cannot be blamed for no resolution.  

In Search of Steele's Thesis:   I agree that Steele's development of narrative is somewhat messy, as human affairs are messy. Within this daunting arena, Steele does his best. If I were to fault him for anything, it would be that he, like many of us, makes race the lens through which he looks at the world. At least our American world. 

Nevertheless here goes: pp. 27 "...white guilt has generated a new social morality in America that made racial prejudice utterly illegitimate."  ...the larger reality is that white guilt leaves no room for moral choice.... It depends on [whites'] fear of stigmatization, their fear of being called a racist. Thus white guilt is nothing less than a social imperative that all whites....are accountable to.... pp. 45 "Unwittingly, this new consciousness came into perfect agreement with the first precept of white racism...that race was destiny ... the same axiomatic truth that the civil rights movement had just won a great victory against." 

And, bottom of the page, is what I see as the foundation of his argument, thesis, if you will: "To up the ante on white guilt this new black consciousness led blacks into a great mistake: to talk ourselves out of the individual freedom we had just won for no purpose whatsoever except to trigger white obligation (it's mine)."

 It's easier to manipulate whites with the race card and win concessions--and hold the moral power of guilt over them--than for blacks to acknowledge the need for their own, individual or personal responsibility and advancement. Maybe a bunch of hooey, but this is what I think he is trying to bring to our attention. That somehow in the mix of it all, both races have lost their way and continue to insist on blundering along.

White Guilt is a hollow argument for both sides.  Blacks use White Guilt to manipulate white culture to get political benefits. Steele provides criticism for both sides.  Grade: A 

Keith:  Eight points to be made. 

1. The greatest racism in American history was the destruction of the Indians. Manifest destiny made them expendable because they stood in the way, 

2. I grew up among many different ethnic groups in St. Paul with lots of diversity. 

3. Nebulous definitions.  The definition of white guilt and racial bias is flexible; i.e. it keeps moving. When a Black pastor was asked, “What should Whites Do?" his answer was, “Just say ‘Amen’”. 

4. Whites see the world by color. 

5. Affirmative action – largely a failure. I attended UC Berkley and saw students admitted with lower standards.  

6. Black leaders share blame for bias because they have not made families emphasize excellence. 

7. The Press is also guilty. Jackie Robinson 

8. White contemporary to club – will Solution – “Americans always want a magic pill.” I think the best solution is to focus on young people. Don’t expect an instantaneous solution. Change will be “glacial and gritty.”
Grade:  C 

Jeff – this would have been better as an essay.  I agree there are places of white guilt but Steele did not take it anywhere.  His arguments are too simplistic. It is not a well written book. WG is mentioned 164 times. I liked How Not to be a Racist better. I actually think putting all whites and all blacks together is racist. Grade:  B- 

Mike – The group exceeded my expectations. I feel better about recommending the book now. I recall in the Portland video seeing a young man throw his body against a fence time and time again during a demonstration. Simultaneously I happened to be watching the episode in Ken Burns’ series on WWII on the assault on Saipan. I was impressed by the same determination by both this young demonstrator and the American soldiers attacking the Japanese fortified position on Saipan’s mountain. 

I am glad we read the book. I liked Steele’s personal stories, such as his trying to become the bat boy for the white team. Grade:  B+ 

Thursday, October 29, 2020

Educated by Tara Westover

 In late October, The Last Thursday Literary Illuminati and Associated West Coast Socialists gathered around the warm glow of their erstwhile bright forest green monitors to discuss Solicitor Simon's theory of Worm Creek water feeding into Elephant Butte and the lower Rio Grande Valley, and the benefits of educating the distaff outcasts of the family.  Prof. Genoni was outside scrapping during this time and thus was excused.     

All of the Zoom participants, demonstrating an abundance of caution, wore heavy jackets, work boots and plastic face masks, woolen scarfs, safety helmets, thick glasses, and displayed as little flesh as possible as appropriate for a righteous individual in this day and age.   New members were requested to step up and introduce themselves, and explain why they would want to participate with such a group, and why their entry fee should therefore be waived accordingly.  Solicitor Simon took notes as to arguments and summaries on all sides and they and the resulting grades are provided herewith.  

Charlie – There is a question in my mind as to who was telling the truth about home schooling between Tara and Mom 

Dick – I was from a small Utah town and 30% of my siblings gained Ph.D.'s.  I taught at UNLV with another Mormon, Neilsen, who was always selling stuff. Mormons are usually very industrious and aggressive business people. I am not bothered about religion. 

The book was all about the Mormon Church and the end of times. I am now a Catholic, but my Mormon family is very much into sharing. My niece in St. George, Utah sells ointments and offers Foot Zone (massage of feet) to liberate one’s mind. Mormons do tend to favor Mormons by selling and doing business with each other and are into storing large quantities of food. Often all their contacts are with Mormons, so a very insular group. 

Charlie - Religious fundamentalists all share rigid beliefs and usually live separately in group of religion. 

Peter – I see 2 types of Mormons in this book. The father was a frontiersman, pioneer type of fundamentalist, while Tara was an urban educated person whose Mormonism was all about striving and achieving. 

Jeff – Tara’s story is ingrained in Mormonism. Her family is of fundamental importance to her.  Many Mormons are consumed with success and wealth.  Finances has always been part of Mormonism.

Peter – Mormons have infiltrated many groups like the Secret Service. 

Mike – I think we can generalize here.  Harari says tribalism is a basic human characteristic. Christopher Hitchens in God is not Great has the theme of how religion ruins everything.

DickVirtue is its Own Punishment by Richard Menzies describes three friends’ life stories growing up in Price, Utah, a coal mining town, as a Mormons. Both Richard and I grew up in Price, Utah and attended Carbon Jr. College.  I became a Catholic at the age of 30 and am now opposed to Mormonism, but recognize that Mormonism is still a part of me. I escaped and got an education, which lost me some of the connection I had with my family.

Robert – I suspect that most of our members are persons who strived to get an educaon and that is what unites us. 

Peter – “Books change you.” After I obtained my PhD, I tried to farm with my father-in-law but gave up on farming after a while. It simply did not interest me and often frustrated me, like trying to fix machinery. As I look back on it now I see that my whole language and thinking changed by my education.

Charlie – I grew up in a small town in Northern Louisiana as a Baptist. I went to school and lost touch with the community I had grown up in, also. It was like I joined a different tribe. 

Dick – Any tribe must have a literature by those who left to get an education. 

Bob’s Note – Charlie and Dick’s comments seems to me be the theme of Educated. Tara’s literary effort is her attempt to describe how she left one tribe and joined another tribe.

Jack:  Tara Westover's Educated was difficult for me to read. I read it the first time over a year ago and couldn't finish it. I found it impossible to believe such an intelligent young woman would allow herself to be physically and emotionally abused again and again while at home for 17 years and even for years after she left home. In the second reading I paid closer attention to her struggle to maintain a relationship a daughter would hope to have with her parents and her siblings while faced with an unbelievably abusive environment at home. It appeared as if the conflict between her desire to learn about the world beyond Buck's Peak and her ties to a dysfunctional family that had cut itself off from the outside world could never be resolved and I'm not sure it was. She must continue to suffer psychologically. Westover is a good writer, which played a major role in keeping me interested in a very difficult story to read. I would grade it a C+ because I had to read it twice to get to what I thought was the heart of the story.

Mike:  I could not warm up to Tara.  Is this a chic book? Consider this passage of great personal tribulation:  "My hair band broke.  I didn't have a spare. The wind swept down the mountain, blowing strands in my eyes."

Also: "My life was narrated for me by others. Their voices were forceful, emphatic, absolute.  It had never occurred to me that my voice might be as strong as theirs."  I submit this is every child's story.

Chick lit or chick literature is genre fiction, which "consists of heroine-centered narratives that focus on the trials and tribulations of their individual protagonists"

Karl:  Catharsis. The writing I found to be a little uneven – fluctuating between excellent and merely good. Overall, a very nice effort for a first book. 

I made two mistakes reading this book. The first was, between Part I and Part II, I consulted the Oracle about the author and read some of the Oracle’s offerings. That created some doubt in my mind about her accuracy in recalling the memories she was describing. The second mistake was that I looked up her mother’s business between reading Part II and Part III. That led to more readings and pictures, which again created some doubt. Having had those two experiences before reading Part III, I became very aware each time the author called attention to having some doubt as to the accuracy of her memory in relating certain experiences. I wonder how I would have reacted had I not consulted the Oracle until after I’d finished the book. 

It didn’t help that there was an inconsistency in the description of the family’s financial wealth/ poorness. Early on the author explicitly says that her family wasn’t poor. And it doesn’t sound as if they were. However, twice later in the book she describes her family as being poor. Not any more. Her mother’s company employs either 24 or 30 people (depending on the source) and looks to have done about $12 MM last year and $5 MM this one. (Not sure of the company’s fiscal year definition.) A Google Maps view of the property shows the junk yard, house, many outbuildings, and a very large production facility for Butterfly Expressions, the Westover’s company, not to mention many pieces of heavy equipment. 

The most interesting person in the memoirs, to my mind, was the author’s father. While clearly a religious zealot and survivalist who could not keep from trying to convert everyone around him to his way of thinking, he was apparently – at least, until he got hurt – very industrious and must have had a good local reputation in order to have gotten so many jobs. I am fascinated that his religious beliefs were so strong and unshakable that he believed that they were an adequate substitute for common sense, particularly when it came to endangering his children. And, while he preached endlessly, he didn’t stop his kids from doing what they wanted to do – though he may have imposed consequences if what they wanted to do was in conflict with his beliefs. I’m thinking of Tyler going off to college, Tara singing in the musicals, working at the grocery store, and going off to BYU, none of which he approved of, but all of which he accepted. 

From a newspaper interview with the family’s attorney, who said that the book should be taken “with a grain of salt” the biggest issue the Westover’s have with the author’s description of her upbringing is her lack of acknowledgement of being decently home-schooled. They say, not so. Three PhD’s out of seven children gives their claim some credibility. Also, it came as a surprise to me that Tara’s mother not only graduated from a public high school, but that she also attended BYU (though there doesn’t seem to be any claim that she graduated). 

One of the things I don’t have doubts about is the abuse the author suffered at the hands of her brother, “Shawn.” None of the outside readings I did in the middle of reading Educated created any question about that. After finishing the book, I read some of the reviews of it on – one of which was a very compelling testimony as to the accuracy with which the author described the situations in Part III of the book by her then boyfriend, Drew Mecham. 

To sum up, clearly Ms Westover has psychological demons and I hope that by wring and publishing this book, she has been able to exorcise some of them. And regardless, of the truth or fiction of individual remembrances, she is certainly a remarkable woman.

Rob:  Footnote. I thought the book's title was arrogant: I am educated. You aren't.  A self-appointed Illuminati.

Great discussion

Thursday, September 24, 2020

DiMaggio: The Last American Knight by Joseph Durso

 Eight brave souls donned their masks and entered the 25 pristine acres of the New Mexico Veterans Memorial to discuss the life of The Yankee Clipper and how it was portrayed by Joe Durso, sportswriter.  There they were greeted to the strains of "Take Me Out to the Ball Game" and wafts of hot dogs, crackerjacks, soda pop, and kettle corn. The lovely Holly Golightly floated away and we were left with the legacy of Joltin' Joe, described by Keith as one of four Herculean Pillars of the Yankees during their 40 year domination of the sport:  The Babe (#3), The Iron Man (#4), The Yankee Clipper (#5), and The Mick (#7).  It didn't hurt to have the Big Apple Media Machine plus Yogi and some colorful managers.  We learned that although the dimensions of the baseball have not changed since 1888, some of the rules have. Not all the players were on the same page:

Mike:  Every book should start with a 'grabber' chapter, something to excite the senses and whet the reader's appetite for what is to come.  What Durso starts with is an ad agency exec wandering into the Bowery Bank and musing over how to give the place a spokesman.  Then he compounds his 'error' by scattering his writing with 3rd grade baseball metaphors:  they made an error; they had strike one; no home run; three strikes.  Great subject, mediocre portrayal, a half-hearted try for high drama that failed.  Joe Durso easily has the worst Wikipedia article I've ever witnessed; his on-line obituary has four times as much information.  Perhaps there is a reason.  B-

Dick J:  This book was good and not so good.  "The Last American Knight" = where did we learn how that title was earned?  I was frustrated with the writing in pages 46 to 67 about what happened after WWI.  This book was padded.  At times it was interesting, but seened to be written quickly.  I have read a negative article on DiMaggio, how he would go to a fancy restaurant in Las Vegas, eat expensive meals, but never paid.  And I don't give a flip about Marilyn Monroe.  I didn't learn much about baseball or Joe DiMaggio.  B

Rob Easterling (by phone via Karl): I had high hopes for this book. I've read and enjoyed several baseball books over the years. But, Chapter 1 in Durso's book discouraged me. It's all about how a NYC bank hired Joe D to shill for the bank. Not at all interesting. Why start with this? Chapter 2 about the DiMaggio family's emigration from Italy to San Francisco was more interesting and a more appropriate way to lead into a hero's life story. The book's subtitle, "The Last American Knight," irritated me more. England might justifiably celebrate knights, but Americans don't. Maybe Bobby Knight. 

The rest of the book was not very interesting. Neither the hitting streak or Marilyn Monroe stories stirred much enthusiasm in me. I've characterized many of the non-fiction books we've read as follows: The author collects a lot of factoids, then struggles to link them -- cut and paste -- . This book falls in that category. 

After I finished the book, I looked up the Amazon reviews, to see if I had missed something important. One reviewer wrote: "To write about Joe DiMaggio you have to write with love and passion for the man and the game. I just never got that feeling reading this book." My sentiment exactly. My Grade: C- 

P.S. This spring I read "Summer of '98," by Mike Lupica. That was the summer of the home run hitters, Sammy Sosa and Mark McGwire. Lupica wrote with love and passion for the men and the game, and even more, he shared that love and passion with his sons. I laughed, I cried, I wrote a review. 

One line from the cover flap connects with Durso's book: "Joe DiMaggio talks as he watches the Yankees have the kind of year he always had." 

Karl Irons:  I thought that the point of a biography was to shed insight into the person being written about – insight that hadn’t previously come to light. Not only doesn’t this book do that, it even makes the claim, after 250+ pages that it doesn’t matter. What nonsense!

Not only doesn’t this book fulfill the primary objective of a biography, it is also poorly written in places.  There are too many pronouns, making it unclear at times who is actually being referenced. Thoughts or topics are raised, then not sufficiently explored. Throughout the book labels – adjectives – are applied to DiMaggio, many repeatedly, but in the end, I still don’t know which ones truly apply. That he was tremendously prideful is certain. That he was a great and revered all-around ball-player is also certain. Whether he was any or all of: noble, lonely, selfish, interesting, insecure, elegant, greedy, cheap, a hermit, arrogant, pampered, vain, self-assured, classy, boring, or a number of other labels attributed to him by the author or one or more of his acquaintances, is less certain.

The best parts of the book were the parts talking about baseball. Is there any other sport that has such great stories? Reading those, even the many that I already knew, was enjoyable. It probably wasn’t necessary to go through every single at bat during the 56-game hitting streak, but I did like reading about it. I especially liked reading the stories I hadn’t known, such as Casey Stengel releasing himself, firing himself, then resigning. Terrific stuff.

I haven’t yet decided whether I like and admire Joe DiMaggio the man, which I had hoped I would when I ordered the book. I had known that he played during a time when sportswriters made heroes of certain sportsman while protecting their image when faced with conflicting behaviors. That they made a hero of DiMaggio before he even played his first game in a Yankee uniform, I didn’t know. That Joe D delivered against all the hype is remarkable in that context. That he kept delivering is what earned him the reverential status he still enjoys today.

What I did admire about DiMaggio is that he took his position as role-model and professional sportsman very seriously. The book makes clear that he obviously went to great pains to hone and reinforce that image -- even if it was created by the press prior to him ever being a stand-out baseball star.

But, the paradoxes of the man bother me. How can someone claim not to want to be recognized walking down the street nor want to be surrounded by crowds drive around in a car with the vanity plate: “Joe D”? What did he talk about to his friends? What, if anything besides the sports pages, did he read? Why did he surround himself with friends so different than himself? Was it to divert attention, was it to remind him who he was not or was it something else? Maybe these things aren’t knowable, but after reading a biography, I expect to know whether or not I like the subject of the text. That I don’t, in this case, I see as a deficiency in the effort.  C

Bob S:  What Durso was doing was researching sportswriters comments on DiMaggio and the game.  Thus the book was a tribute to sportswriters.  Something positive:  Joe and Marilyn both came from modest means; thus they understood each other, having climbed to the top.  I felt the same about the book:  I watched TV with my father, an amateur baseball player, but never felt the passion.  I loved Dizzy Dean, Pee Wee Reese, yet overall found the sport rather boring.  A good bio must examine the context within which the subject lived his Life.  This book lacked that.  B-

Jack F:  My enjoyment of Durso's DiMaggio was influenced by the facts that I like baseball and Joe DiMaggio was one of my heroes when I was a kid in the late 40s and early 50s, even though he played for the Yankees and I was a Cleveland Indians fan. I learned quite a bit particularly about DiMaggio's life away from the ballpark. Durso's newspaper writing style was easy to read and I enjoyed his descriptions of specific games. It reminded me of listening to a game on the radio; however, he did seem to wander and repeat himself at times, leaving me to wonder about the chronology and how it fit into the current narrative. Fun read. Would recommend it to my Yankee friends, if I had any.  B

Tom GOn the rules changed to delineate the Modern Era:  in 1893, the distance from pitcher's mound

to home plate was changed from 50 ft to 60' 6" where it remains today.  Ballpark size was open; however new parks had to have 350' down the line and 400' to center.  

From the book, I learned that DiMaggio was painfully, horribly shy.  He did not know hot to handle people (and sports writers).  'The Last American Knight' refers to the last athlete that was poised and noble.  This largely had to do with the era in which he played.  In his era, sportswriters would fawn over these 'heroes.'  I learned a bit:  B

Charlie:  I was prejudiced in that I am not a sports fan.  My choice for a biography would be someone who used their noodle:  was incredibly smart, creative.  An athlete is more instinctive than cerebral.  Reminds me of a Monty Python skit where the sportswriter is interviewing the soccer star after the big game:  "You've won!  How did you do it?"  "I kicked the ball into the net."

I don't like the sportswriters style of writing - athletes are ordinary guys with extraordinary talents.  B

Keith:  the book had too much detail.  I played in two semi-pro games for $5 a game.   B+

Bob S:  I wish to share a baseball experience with you. As I mentioned, my Dad was a pitcher. He grew up in Fort Worth, Texas, There were only a couple of hundred Jewish families in his youth around 1920 but there was an amateur Jewish baseball team and he was their pitcher. 

When I was young, perhaps five or six we went to Lake Worth near Fort Worth where there was an amusement area with rides and games of chance. One of the games was one of those booths with a bulls eye about the size of home plate with a lever connected to a platform where a man sat over a glassed-in tub of water and every time you hit the bulls eye with a regulation baseball the lever would release the platform and drop the man into the water. I would guess the bulls eye was about 40 or 50 feet from the counter where the balls were held. 

Every time you hit the bulls eye you received three more balls. My dad gave the man a quarter and got three balls. I think he only hit the bulls eye once in the first three balls, but then he got the range and started hitting the bulls eye almost every time. After about twenty minutes the man refused to sit on the platform over the water any longer, because he was so waterlogged and dejected. At that point we left the game with about 50 balls left on the counter. 

My Dad had the best eye hand coordination of any one I ever met. I think I have mentioned that he was on the TCU golf team in the late 20's and an NCAA letterman. But his pitching was what I remembered from that evening at Lake Worth.

Thursday, August 27, 2020

News of the World by Paulette Jiles

 Nine former soldiers of fortune, two bedraggled Caddos, and a lonesome West Pointer zoomed into town on the Curative Waters around 2 pm mountain daylight (aka 3 pm in Guthrie, OK), complete with bullet holes.  Prof Palmer presented the news, including acquiring Hamilton for $7.50 from Disney+. and a promise of Tom Hanks as Capt. Kidd in December.  Prof Irons strung up the telegraph line, and the dime-ahs soon started filling the tin can.  Haina!  the old ones spoke as follows:

Tom:  Based on the comments today, I may be an outlier.  The story was great and the characters were well developed - but I did not like the prose style.  It was somewhat journalistic, and perhaps that was what she was trying for.  Overall, I enjoyed the read.  B+

Jack:  I thought it was well written and a tale well told.  It was a bit schmaltzy, reminding me of Bridges of Madison County and perhaps Plainsong.  There were some great scenes, which pushed it to a B+

Karl:  I enjoyed the story. It wasn’t exactly a “page-turner” but it also didn’t lag.  The writing was inobtrusive – meaning that I really didn’t notice it.  The book was an easy read.  I did find it odd that the conversations, few as they were, weren’t in quotes.  But once I understood the style it wasn’t bothersome.

The characters were well-defined.  The disorientation that Johanna must have experienced due to the upheaval of abruptly being extracted from a known culture to being thrust into an unknown one was dealt with very adroitly.  The growing tenderness of the relationship between the Captain and Johanna was handled well, I thought.

I found a slight disconnect between the abrupt ending in the penultimate chapter – really that last chapter, as the final chapter should have been titled “Epilogue” – and the wrap-up at the end.  It seemed that once the author completed her objective of allowing the Captain and Johanna to remain a team that she was done with the story.  Except that she had loose ends to tie-up.  The fate of the freighters, whether the Captain’s daughters would relocate to Texas, whether his family would ever reclaim their land, whether there would be a relationship with the woman he was attracted to, and how Johanna would fare once the Captain was gone needed to be addressed.  Hence the epilogue/Chapter 22.  It kind of seemed like a cheesy way to end the book, though.  B+

Bob Woods:  I did skim the first few chapters, but teen age grandkids took my month away.  NG

Rob:  I started the book, felt uneasy, and found it schmaltzy also.  I liked the story telling, and liked the way she handled the relationship between the 71-year old man and the 10-year old girl.  I got a lot out of the book, namely the importance of family and politics.  Neat idea to bring these subjects together.  B+

Mike:  If I were to create the ideal book for Charlie Palmer, it would be not much over 200 pages, have a great story, be about Texas, display a sense of humor, and have a great map.  This hit all the marks.

The great battle of Chapter 4 was a high point, even if done up a bit into the George Lucas cliffhanger style.  I loved the coins in the shotgun shells, but ... you gotta suspend a bit of reality for all of this to come together.  Heck, I relaxed and enjoyed it - especially Johanna's dance after the death of the enemy.

The Durand chapter (#14) was a winning microcosm of everything I loved about this book.  The curmudgeon captain:  "Can you read this flyer?  It says I'm going to saw a fat woman in half."  A

Bob SimonA little like Charlie:  I'm also from Texas, and the book portrayed a history of a time in Texas I am not familiar with.  Kidd was a true gentleman.  All of it had historical interest for me:  a solid A.

Charlie:  I liked it; I don't want too much tension, and then have horrible things happen.  This book had the potential for unhappy occurrences, but they did not occur.  I like the schmaltzy stuff.  I did not go through this book with a sense of dread - the author did not disappoint me, and she wrapped it up in a positive manner.  Solid A.

... and from the sorry Caddos who fell off the wagon:

Zoom will not let me back in because I was previously removed by the host. Here is my written evaluation: I really liked the book. I enjoyed it as much the second time as I did the first. It's a great story, well-written, interesting characters, and great description of the scenery. I would recommend it to others. Grade: A 

   -  Dick  J.

Mike..Got knocked off ZOOM,couldn't re-enter. Happens often..Maybe all the cyber-schooling in the hood  [UNM, CNM, APS, ..]. 

Graded on 5 pt. [1=5]..

  1. First impression: 2-Bad title,cover..

  2.Story line:4,, great..Kidd took on daunting task,and he's a truly nice guy..

  3.Writing: 5-lyrical writing engaged all 5 senses..

  4. Best chapter:4..Shootout with "dime" bullets..

  5. Worst chapter 3..Ending too curt, indeed "Let's end this book pronto"...

My average: 3.6, a B+    


Thursday, July 30, 2020

Speak, Memory by Vladimir Nabokov

They shouldn't sleep.  "Sleep is the most moronic fraternity in the world, with the heaviest dues and the crudest rituals,” Vladimir Nabokov writes in “Speak Memory.” He goes on, “It is a mental torture I find debasing … I simply cannot get used to the nightly betrayal of reason, humanity, genius.” 

Nine bedraggled Russian expats struggled out of a deep slumber to consider the colors and tones of a by-gone childhood.  A tenth arrived and they all boarded the late train to Biarritz. They jostled and pushed their way to the train window and observed these thin wires, rising and falling, in passing:

Rob E:  I loved the discussion; I learned a lot.  I appreciated the insights, and I also share the sentiments expressed:  some chapters were not interesting to me.  Nabokov has quite the mind. B
   I'm still glad I picked the book, even though I didn't rate it highly.  I liked the analogy of how people react to art and literature in similar, but different ways.  I don't feel like it was another Bluefeather Fellini shame sandwich for me. It was very interesting to hear everyone's take on the book -- and enlightening.

Mike:  Thanks for choosing this book.  I have begun to read it several times before, with a severe lack of self-discipline, but I always remember one of the great opening lines in the English language: "The cradle rocks above an abyss, and common sense tells us that our existence is but a brief crack of light between two eternities of darkness."
  Charlie mentioned that paintings can be abstract, they don't have to show a subject, but books should tell a story.  I submit some writers are a hybrid of poetry and prose creators:  they paint with words, they do things with language that affect you, that get a reaction from your soul.  Conrad, McCarthy, Nabokov have such power with the English language.  Jonathan Yardley says Speak, Memory can be picked up and read at random to provide this pleasure, this language painting. Yet I will admit I wish Chapter 3 had been painted over, or provided as primer in an Appendix.  A-

Tom:  I will append Yardley's comments, except he said he had no idea how many times he had read Speak, Memory.  I have read it three times.  A.

Dick J:  It's time to bring down the average grade. I did not enjoy it and I would not recommend it.  C

Ken:  I was frustrated by there being no translation, plus overall it was tedious, boring.  B-

"They accused me of not conforming to my surroundings; of "showing off" (mainly by peppering my Russian papers with English and French terms, which came naturally to me); ..."
Chapter Nine, page 185.

Charlie:  I am negative too.  B-, borderline C.  Boring, arrogant, although the last 50 pages of the book were good.  I wish I had never read two-thirds of it.

Keith:  A staccato; Nabokov is the Beethoven of writers; he used many pencils with no erasers.  He spent 50 years in exile from surrealistic imagery.  Too much family; I would have enjoyed more philosophy.  Samples he provided:  "Enjoy life - but not too much."  "One is always at home in one's past."  [this drove me to many bottles of wine].  "Sleep is moronic, a nightly betrayal of genius."
  I suggest get rid of the other 98% of the book, as this could be a great 50 page book.  This book is a dismal failure; memory is closest to a fixed star in a rude world.
  I enjoyed (50 pages):  B-

Bob Woods:  I have been a Nabokov fan ever since Pale Fire; beyond that, not much in English is available.  I found it very interesting and give it an A

Bob Simon:  I found the flashbacks disconcerting.  I would never recommend this book, and I would never read it again.  B-

Karl:  Much to my surprise, I enjoyed the book.  I took it as a collection of essays, which gave me a satisfying frame of reference:  A-

This Nabokov guy can write!

  Normally, I have little interest in biographies, especially autobiographies. This book being touted as the latter didn’t exactly engender much enthusiasm in me to read it. Not reading it would have been a mistake though, as I enjoyed it very much. Classifying Speak, Memory as an autobiography is, I believe, a bit of a mischaracterization. It’s really a collection of snapshots from the first 40 or so years of the author’s life.
  In that regard, the book is very effective – up to a point -- in showing the reader what youth and education was like for Nabokov. That he started out “privileged” is an understatement. That he subsequently endured a series of tragedies – the loss of his family’s wealth and status, exile, the assassination of his father, the starvation death of his brother in a concentration camp – didn’t seem to have affected him nearly as much as the lack of closure from his relationships with, first Colette, then Mademoiselle O, finally with Tamara. But who knows? Maybe he just downplayed their impact on his life. Either way, I’m still left with the impression that I don’t really know who Vladimir Nabokov, the man and author, is. That’s okay, but speaks to why characterizing the book as an autobiography is misleading.
  While the fifteen essays are put together in an orderly, chronological fashion, I’m fascinated that they were written out of order, over many years, and in many very different locations. Not surprisingly, there is some unevenness to the 15 chapters of the book, which is a minor criticism.
  What I really appreciated about the narrative is that not only was the author able to recollect these snippets of his earlier life with amazing detail – both sensual and factual -- but that he was simultaneously able to evaluate and objectify his role in those snippets, often with some self-deprecating humor. Absolutely remarkable! 

... and from far outside of the childhood mansion:

We'll be heading home on Thursday from a camping trip to Cloudcroft, so we may not be home in time to join in the Zoom meeting. My comments on your selection follow: I found Speak, Memory interesting, but at times mind-numbing. Whenever he lapsed into hunting butterflies or composing chess problems, I lost interest, but then I'm neither a lepidopterist nor a chess master. Sadly, the beauty of his language could not overcome my boredom in those instances. In spite of Nabokov's contention in the "Foreword" that the work was "a systematically correlated assemblage of personal recollections," I had difficulty sometimes following his system. One certainly cannot criticize his knowledge of the English language and his skill in using it. I thoroughly enjoyed the power and beauty of the words he chose. B
  - Jack 

Thursday, June 25, 2020

The Spy and The Traitor by Ben Macintyre

Nine well-meaning English agents struggled through various disguises and meeting signals to join up electronically via a Verizon cell tower in Southwest London.  Their clandestine voices could be heard over the double-decker buses in the vicinity:

Ken – The author MacIntyre descended from royalty: 14th King’s Hussars and his grandmother was a daughter of a Viscount. He attended King’s College – Cambridge and graduated in 1988.
  Why write another version when Oleg published the original history (Next Step – Execution) in 1995? This was Oleg’s second book. He published his first in 1994. It appears MacIntyre had access to MI-6 files

Tom – MacIntyre over-dramatized several things. For example, How could the Russians believe the West was planning to launch a pre-emptive nuclear strike?

Jack- I served 20 years in intelligence. SAC -1983 before Able Archer We intercepted lots of chatter in military channels regarding concerns about provocation and intentions.

Dick – I noticed how Dick – I noticed how many times Oleg mentioned the corruption, ineptitude and incompetence by Soviet spies.

Jack – I was amazed how many British politicians were Soviet spies and sympathizers

Tom:  I liked the book, It was a page turner and well written, especially for a nonfiction book.

Dick:  I was bothered by the overkill on information and troubling diversion from the plot. It put me to sleep.

Charlie:  I liked that he stuck to the facts and did not introduce any perceived thoughts of others.

Bob Woods:  I have a Moscow story. I stayed in a hotel in Moscow in a room that a prior guest thought was bugged. He tore apart the room looking for bugging devices. When he removed a brass plate on the floor, the chandelier in the room below his fell down.

Dick:  His research was very impressive. I have done research and his was very competent.

Charlie:  the book relied upon interviews and Oleg’s published book. There was not access to files.

Jack:  He had 100 hours of interviews with Oleg. It was not until the 1970’s that the British admitted the existence of MI-6.

Bob Simon:   I thought the two wives were heroines. Changing the baby and offering the dogs crisps that threw the dogs off Oleg’s scent was brilliant.

Tom:  I was amazed that they used all the normal spy techniques one reads about in spy books, such as chewing gum on a lamp post, strolling eating a Mars bar with a Harrod’s shopping bag.

Dick:  Did MacIntyre over-glorify Gordievsky?

Ken:   He was an important spy. I am amazed it took from 1995 to now for this book to be published.

Charlie:  He was the right guy at the right time. It was the end of the Soviet era, the emergence of Gorbachev.

Jack:  Oleg was also a hero because he was motivated by idealism and not money. The book was just as suspenseful as fiction. I was amazed he hitched to a bar at the Russian border to get a beer while waiting for the escape team. The Brits have avoided publishing his name. I looked for recent articles on Gordiesky and found only one.

Bob Simon:  Ken sent an article on three Russian traitor spies from the Smithsonian that describes Gordievsky’s defiltration from Russia.

Ken:  I was amazed that the British modified the drive shaft of a Land Rover to pass through the door so the hump could be made into a compartment to hide a person.

Bob Simon:   The article also suggests that there are other moles because the events that led to Gordievsky’s defiltration and the other Russian mole’s apprehension occurred in the timeline between Aldrich Ames' first contact with the Russians in April and his big document dump in May. Western intelligence is not sure the Russians got the incriminating evidence from Ames. The article speculates that there may be other American or British moles.

Jack:  There are other issues besides moles. For example, the NSA contracts for lots of services and that creates concerns about motivations, like Snowden’s disclosures.

Charlie:  ... or with electronic surveillance How do you know how information is obtained?

Jack:  I retired from intelligence 37 years ago at the age of 42. In the signal corps we did not mix with Embassy staff.

Bob Woods:  This was a manual for espionage, very detailed.

Karl:  What a story! The level of detail and the clarity of the writing are impressive. I’d wondered whether the amount of detail was necessary to convincingly tell the story of Gordievsky and the relevant snippets on Ames or whether the tale could have been told more crisply by leaving some of them out. After some thought, I’d decided that, while maybe it could, the book is just fine as written. The writing is clear and not overly descriptive. The flow and pacing are good. The story is laid out in a logical manner and not at all confusing.

What gives this book a special place in the espionage archives of the cold war is the inclusion of the implications of the information provided by Gordievsky, not just the information itself. Absolutely fascinating story that should most definitely have been told. And it is told well. The impact that Oleg Gordievsky had on helping the world through the Cold War period should be better known. Thanks to this book, it can be.  A flat out terrific A

Sidebar:  I started reading The Spy and the Traitor about three or four days after finishing The Man who Played with Fire by Jan Stocklassa. That book is about the investigation of the 1986 street corner assassination of the Swedish Prime Minister, Olof Palme -- a case that was just officially closed last week after 34+ years with no conclusion. By comparison, that book is poorly constructed, confusing in places and not well crafted. Of course, it was written in Swedish and translated to English. So, while Macintyre's book is way better, the Stocklassa book is just as fascinating. Ollie North, Bill Casey, and P W Botha make small cameo appearances. There's also Apartheid, Iran Contra, Kurdish separatists, and number of right wing nuts, a movie star, gun runners, an ammunition manufacturer. a German car dealer, and more. There's the extensive notes of Illustrator/ journalist/author Stieg Larsson (of the Girl with the Dragon Tattoo fame). And, the story takes place in Sweden, England, Northern Cyprus, South Africa, the US, and more. For club members who enjoyed this month's book and are willing to read another fascinating tale, though not one that's especially well written, it's a candidate. I'm not going to use if for my December choice because I can already hear the complaints about there being too many characters, holes in the logic, and two somewhat conflicting objectives of the author -- all of which would be legitimate -- but it's worth a mention, nevertheless, just because the story is so interesting.

Jack:  An incredible, fascinating and well written story. I found it fairly easy to follow in spite of the long list of players and their interrelationships. It was a real page turner for me. I give it an A

Charlie:  Excellent, perfect non-fiction, well researched.  A

Dick:  Grade:  A-.

Tom:  Incredible story. Verging on unbelievable. What was the sequence of events that led to the collapse of the Soviet Union, the Strategic arms programs. SDI and neutral particle beam weapons This story is part of a bigger story.  A great story, adequately written.  Grade:  A

Keith: was unable to obtain the book from the library so did not grade the book.

Bob Woods:  Fascinating, well organized, good chronological order, good pictures of how intel works. A personal story – I worked with a team on a top secret project that made a breakthrough that the Soviets copied in one year. Grade:  A

Bob Simon:  I like its authenticity. Grade: A

Ken:  this was a page turner for me both from history and spying Grade:  solid A

Rob: See attached review Grade:   A-

...and from far outside the Central Committee:
I look forward to Ken’s report on how Ben Macintyre got into this project. Since Oleg had already written his story, one would think there was not much more to relate. What inspired Macintyre to essentially start over – and was his book wildly more successful than Oleg’s?

 I had numerous thoughts while reading this book. One recurring ‘vision’ was “Spy vs Spy” in the old Mad comic books. Another was, “Hey, the author is giving away all the tricks – now it will be so much harder for our next exfiltration to succeed. Shouldn’t this account remain classified?”

 I don’t know if I would have ever known the name Oleg Gordievsky if Ken had not selected this book. I’m sure it must have been in the news at one time; but I mainly only remember Aldrich Ames (never heard him referred to as “Rick”) as being a turncoat who accounted for the deaths of many of ‘our’ agents in Russia.  Until this book I never realized how cold-blooded Ames did it just for the money.

This is another of those true stories that I always wonder if it would be told at all if it were not successful, if it did not have a happy ending. Say, for example, when Oleg was called back to Moscow that he just disappeared, never to be heard from again – would this book have been written anyway?

 I was most impressed with the way Macintyre told the story – it was well crafted. I didn’t know PIMLICO was going to be used until it was – in fact, when Oleg was assigned to the London KGB group, I thought, “Well, now it will be easy to get him ‘out’.” And I was never sure until it happened if the kids and Leila were going along or not.

There were many Russian names, many characters, but this did not hinder me from following the story or appreciating the action. I was amazed at the intricacy of signals such as an orange peel left under a park bench. Wow, I will never look at litter the same way again! Perhaps I will clean up the trash outside to help foil some devious Russian plot in Four Hills Village.

I will always want to hear how Oleg’s life is going – is he depressed? Lonely?  Lady friends? Keeping busy with lectures? Is he on Facebook? Any second thoughts? I wonder if his story provides some of those follow-on details, at least as far as 2015. Good job of telling a complex, amazing story: A
                       -  Mike

Mike, your comments sent me to the Web to try and figure out why Macyntyre needed to write his book. Although Oleg’s book, titled “Next Step Execution: The Autobiography of Oleg Gordievsky”, was first published in 1995 and had decent Amazon reviews, it only had 168 reader reviews whereas Macintyre’s 2018 book had 2413 reader reviews in a much shorter lifetime so Oleg’s book was not much of a commercial success.

I tried to find what Macintyre added to the story and, according to interviews, Macintyre said he had substantially more access to the case workers and important players in the CIA, MI-6 and KGB. Because these sources all had signed Official Secrets Acts and similar documents, he said that talking to him was illegal and they shouldn’t have done it. Perhaps it was easier to get them to talk since more than 20 years had passed since Oleg’s book was published.

Oleg wrote a second book in 1994 titled Comrade Kryuchkoy’s Instructions: Top Secret Files on KGB Foreign Operations 1975-1985. It elicited even fewer reader reviews (4) on Amazon and therefore wasn’t a big seller.
       -  Ken

Thursday, May 28, 2020

Butcher's Crossing by John Williams

Nine old hunters warmed their hands as they gathered around their monitors for the second ever Last Thursday virtual Book Club meeting. Two hunters were swept down the river and never regained solid footing, and one skinner left camp early.  Our host Dick Jensen reminded us that Butcher's Crossing was the first of three great novels that John Williams wrote.  [Stoner (1965) and Augustus (1972) also were award-winning].  As they gathered around the electronic campfire, they told their stories:

Jack:  I enjoyed Butcher's Crossing. The story line certainly kept my interest. It was hard not to pay attention to Miller and hard not to anticipate a tragic end and you all know the Irish in me loves a tragic ballad. I liked John Williams' writing style--straightforward and very descriptive. I did not find it an easy read, however, a la Max Evans or Louis L'Amour. Williams' emphasis on the harshness of life in the west was more akin to Cormac McCarthy, in my opinion. I would certainly recommend it to my friends who enjoy western fiction. A

Karl:  I didn’t really enjoy this book. I didn’t hate it; but I didn’t like it much either.

The problem for me started with the Introduction. It gave away almost the entire story. Unfortunately, my impression after reading it was that I didn’t want to read the book – exactly the opposite of what it was probably intended to do.

Though, read it, I did. It annoys me that I didn’t understand Will Andrews at all – not from the beginning; not during the buffalo hunt ordeal; and certainly not afterwards. What I did find extremely interesting is the perspective from which the story was told. Technically, it was written in the third person. However, it was really written from Andrew’s perspective as not a single shred of insight into the thinking of the other five characters was evidenced and all descriptions of them were from Andrews’ point of view. What was interesting is that even though the story was told from Andrews’ perspective, I learned very little of his motivations for wanting to participate in a buffalo hunt and what he thought about the experience during and after it. Unless I missed it, there was precious little regarding the “coming of age” lessons and insights that the introduction promised that Andrews took away from his experiences.

I must say that I did like how the characters: Miller, Schneider, and Hoge were drawn and revealed. I didn’t get much of a feel for McDonald and Francine, but that wasn’t troublesome as their roles were minor. My impression is that John Williams is a good writer – but that he had flawed judgment in how he decided to let the reader come to know his protagonist, Will Andrews. Aside from that, his descriptive skills, pacing, clarity, conversations (limited though they were), and realism were all topnotch. Sadly, they didn’t save the book for me.

 I like the title of the book, but after having read it, think that it is inappropriate as very little of the book takes place in the town of Butcher’s Crossing.

Finally, the senselessness of massive buffalo hunts was deftly highlighted by the huntsmen losing their entire load and learning of the worthlessness of their remaining cache. But I already knew of the senselessness of massive buffalo slaughter, so in the end I learned nothing new.

I didn't like the book, but I like how it was structured.  I would not recommend it.  B-

Ken:  I really enjoyed this book.  Reminded me of my youth.  A-

Tom:  I liked this book too.  Reminded me of the classic movie The Treasure of the Sierra Madre [1948, Bogart] when the gold ended up floating away on the river.  I also thought the term 'hunt' was not applicable - the author showed us how horrific it was  B+

Bob Simon:  I have mixed feelings.  The book captures that span of time well; it also captures the sadness.  The sadness of destroying the buffalo and the Indian cultures.  The part I loved:  they knew how to meet the problems encountered in the wild.  They had survival skills.  This could be a case study for any Boy Scout.  As I think back over the book:  Will Andrews and his succumbing in the hardships.  He was a Lost Soul in my mind.  What I found most interesting:  the change of fashion back East from buffalo hides was a big surprise.  The Ending was crude:  Miller burning the hides was cruel and unjust.  A-

Charlie:  Grade B.  I didn't really care for it.  I tired of the description of the geography and the plants.  It struck me as not well constructed.  The character flaws were evident:  Miller needed to kill all the buffalo.  The story was too long - things got worse and worse.  I did not want something depressing.

Mike:  Charlie had confessed to me earlier in the quarantine period that he had difficulty getting into a book, that he would rather recline on the couch and watch a good movie.  I had that feeling as well, especially as I staggered into Butcher's Crossing.  But I fashioned some mental snowshoes and trudged on, and as I made progress, I enjoyed the telling of this clash of macho personalities more and more.  I learned you had best listen to Miller - however, one of three big surprises to me:  Schneider survived the blizzard snowfall on his own.

Like Prof. Genoni, I couldn't help but picture this as a movie.  I wanted to cast The Duke as Miller - not the young John Wayne, but the Rooster Cogburn edition.  Maybe Gene Hackman as Schneider - as Tom says, he was practical, his arguments made sense from a "let's make sure we survive" view.

We didn't talk about it, but there was a strong environmental message throughout, climaxing with the author's writing at the end.  Unlike Karl, I did learn something new:  give me a horse and a couple of sharp knives, and I'll show you how to skin a buffalo.  A

Bob W:   I learned quite a lot from this book. A number of technical details were clarified in the text without being pedantic. I assume that the remarks about The Sharps Rifle are accurate. Also, the next time I have to actually skin a bison I will be spared the embarrassment of starting on the wrong end. The style of narration was excellent and well suited to the subject. I would give this one an A minus.

Rob E:  Sorry I didn't join in on Bob Simon's connection.  I heard the discussion, though, through Karl's connection with my phone.

I liked the book and was most impressed by how much detail the author got into the story.  It read like he could have observed a Buffalo hunt in Colorado.  He created all that imagery out of his head!  Thus, A from me.

I'll need some help zooming next month's book discussion.  Tom is our Mr. Nabokov.  He can probably provide a lot of background, etc.

Dick J:  I like this book.  I'll give it an A.  I have (finally) 7:30 am surgery - send some good vibrations toward Central and I-25.

Thursday, April 30, 2020

Born a Crime by Trevor Noah

It was electric.  The eight ersatz Zulu warriors congregated virtually just outside Soweto.  They learned that Trevor Noah was born in 1984, and is just 36 yrs of age today.
The Amended Immorality Act of 1985 related to his mother's marriage and thus his birth.  In 2011, he relocated to the United States, and in December 2014 he was contributing to The Daily Show on Comedy Central (cable TV). He is currently under a 5 yr (until 2022) extension contract on The Daily Show.  He wrote this book in 2016, and in 2018, his second book was The Donald J. Trump Presidential Twitter Library.  The electronic attendees had much to say:

Jack:  I enjoyed the book, learned a lot about Trevor Noah and Apartheid as viewed from his perspective.  I enjoyed his stories, but as Karl said, it was a collection of his stories, rather than a chronological coming-of-age bio.  I had some trouble with his bouncing around from 9 yrs old then 15 then 9.  A-

Kenny G:  I agree with the comments we've heard.  Fascinating, with how close he came to being thrown in jail; I learned a lot.  A-

Charlie:  I enjoyed it for the reasons mentioned.  A-  Made me more sensitive to Apartheid.  The author is a very clever fellow who describes a dismal life as funny.  I would recommend it.

Karl:  A very worthwhile read. The book – a collection of short stories, really – is well-written, well laid-out, logical in its order -- which is more or less chronological, and completely interesting. When Amazon delivered my copy, I was in the middle of another book. I opened the package and started to look through the book. Thirty pages later, I realized that I had gotten sucked into it immediately. Then I alternated between the two books until I’d finished the first one.

Born a Crime tells a story of a South African growing up during the end of Apartheid from the perspective of someone of mixed race. What impressed me most about the book is that the stories are told without a shred of bitterness. Given the circumstances and conditions at the time, that seems remarkable to me. I’d never heard of the author, nor had I read any of the book reviews before I finished the book, so I had no preconceptions. (I’ve since looked him up on You Tube and read the blurbs.)

 I came away with at least partial understanding of the South African situation that prior to reading the book had been completely unknown to me other than at the most aggregate level. I have tremendous respect for Noah’s mother. What an amazing woman. For the author himself, I have a less positive opinion, though still a favorable one, though I freely admit that I am seeing him as an old, white, American that has never been oppressed in any way, not as someone who has lived through what he has.

Without hesitation, I’d recommend this book.  A-

Bob Simon:  Also an A-  I noticed re "right from wrong" their tribal conflicts in South Africa.  It can label you as an enemy of a tribal group when he interacted with, say Zulu.  A wonderful book - I would recommend it.

Mike:  This was a love story to  the author's mother.  As I am writing my book of family stories, I was interested in how he introduced each collection of stories with a segment in a different font, and in boldface.  My final grade is an A-, which shows the influence of my colleagues here:  Having watched the first few Trevor Noah shows following the departure of Jon Steward on The Daily Show, I had preconceptions before I read the book.  I had come to this virtual meeting with a solid B+ but I am convinced by the segments discussed that it was better than that.

Bob Woods:  I will follow the herd:  A-   He captured what Life was like for him, but the book was almost too polished.  His English and his grammar were very Western.

Ron B:  A lot of information, I liked the book.  A

He virtually existed for only 15 minutes, but he left his imprint:

I had heard about Born a Crime by Trevor Noah several times. I always thought it would be interesting to read but I never did. So, I was pleased when Ron chose the book as the book for April.

I enjoyed reading the book a lot. It is an interesting story about an interesting individual growing up in South Africa. I have read quite a bit about South Africa over the years and am always interested in learning more. Noah's book gave me insight into the life of a colored person growing up in South Africa.

The book is full of interesting stories that were told in an interesting manner. The book is quite well written. The only real criticism I have is that the book does not seem to be organized in a logical manner. I would give the book an A

Thursday, March 26, 2020

Lost Horizon by James Hilton

A dozen half-baked lama beings, once proud members of the Far East British diplomatic service, attempted to escape the travails of civilization and the scourges of microbiology by gathering virtually in the shadow of Karakal, somewhere far northeast of the harmonious Valley of the Blue Moon.  They searched for inner peace, love and a sense of purpose in Shangri-La, whose inhabitants enjoy unheard-of longevity. Can they too find happiness and perhaps a little Manchu on the side?  Let us consider that which these slackers/wise men put forth:

Bob W.:  I chose this book because the Club was showing interest in some of the classics.  

Mike B:  Bob, I recall that you pinged The Bookwoman because that author was trying to write in dialect.  I thought this author's dialect for the American (Barnard) was easily the worst imitation of Slim Pickens I have ever read.  Amazing when you realize that Hilton spent so much time in America, even Hollywood.  And Barnard was supposed to be from Chicago!  Consider:
  Barnard laughed again. "Well, that's how it was, and you can figger it out that the change of plan that brought me here don't worry me an awful lot. It's a first class mystery, I'll allow, but for me, speaking personally, there couldn't have been a better one.  It ain't my way to grumble so long as I'm satisfied."

Rutherford:  What do you know about the author's background and education?

Bob W.:  Hilton was born in September 1900 in Lancashire, England, and his father was headmaster of a boys school outside of London.  He wrote his first novel at age 20 while enrolled in Cambridge, and his two most famous books, Goodby Mr. Chips and Lost Horizon, while living in a house in northeast London.

Kenny G:  Interesting book that I am glad I read even though I immediately realized that not living in the 1930s (in Britain) meant that certain references and passages would be totally meaningless. For instance, on p. 12 in my edition (the book started on p. 9), Rutherford stated “History will never disclose the amount of sheer brilliance wasted in the routine decoding F. O. chits and handing round tea at legation bun fights.” Wow- F. O. chits, handing round tea and legation bun fights all in one sentence! Or on the next page where it says “Something a bit Philip-Sidney-ish”. I tried the Web to see if I could figure out the meaning of Philip-Sidney-ish and got nowhere. 

Mike B: F.O. is Foreign Office. Apparently Philip Sidney was a well-known/obscure (depending on your nationality/interest) English author and Elizabethan poet of the 16th century. He had a very romantic view of what Life should be.  If your education had been at Public School in England, I am sure you would know Phillip Sidney and his work.  He has a nice Wikipedia article which will tell you more:  "His pastoral romance The Arcadia (1598) is an intricate love story, emboding the ideals of the medieval chivalry, so congenial to Sidney's own spirit."  And I met my first love, Bonnie0 at a Plebe Tea Fight in 1960, so I can infer what a legation bun fight would be. 

Charlie:  I’m actually quite a fan of junk fiction (detective /fantasy / spy/ utopian/ etc.). Most of the junk I’ve read over the past 50 years has been fun to read but for the most part has been poorly written e.g., Ludlum, although there have of course been notable exceptions, such as le Carre. Lost Horizon is the exception – utopian fiction, but written with subtlety and grace, not plot-driven, and nods to refined tastes. For example – Lo-Tsen playing a Rameau gavotte on the harpsichord certainly got my attention! 

Bob S:  I found a very strong parallel between the book’s plot and the little that I know about Nicolas Roerich. Roerich was a fascinating character. He was a seeker of eternal knowledge and a member of the Russian Theosophical movement in the late 1800’s and early 1900’s. In the 1920’s and 1930’s he led an expedition across Central Asia and Tibet looking for the a place that he believed was the Center or repository of what he believed was Eternal Truth and Ancient knowledge. He ended his travels living in northern India in a town with a view of the Himalayas.
I think Roerich’s Shambala could easily have been the model for Hilton’s Shangri-La and Roerich’s search for a place in the Tibetan Plateau and the Himalayas where there was a repository of all the great knowledge of the world and Eternal Truth parallels the plot of the book.

Mike B:  Dang!  That sounds like Hilton completely ripped off his story!

Dick:   The main characters were all symbols: the well-bred Englishman (Conway), the Englishman who was impatient and wanting to dominate (Mallinson), the corrupt American hustler (Barnard), the religious zealot who sees her role the converting of the heathens, and the mysterious Asian (Chang). I think their symbolism goes deeper but my feeble mind has not been able to detect it. 

Karl:  The story is engaging and the characters, very nearly caricatures, are well done. The single-focused, holier-than-thou missionary, the affable American con-man on the dodge, the impatient young government employee who is unable to see beyond his own needs and desires, the war hero and mid-level diplomat with a PTSD-like condition who is looking for peace, and the calm, patient, apprentice lama made for an interesting mix of people. They afforded the reader several views of the shared fate of being marooned in a lamasery. 

Bob S:  What impressed me about the plot of the book was its chatty British after dinner
conversational tone. The book is set in that Imperial Period of the British Raj, when British might and culture dominated the world.  The juxtaposition of Conway’s natural curiosity in Oriental Culture and languages  opposed to the very stiff lipped very British manners of Mallison was rather interesting. Apparently Hilton was critical of British exceptionalism.

Mike B:  I loved the start of this book as the three old classmates getting together - the opening line is one of the sad truths of Life, beautifully expressed:  
  Cigars had burned low, and we were beginning to sample the disillusionment that usually afflicts old school friends who meet again as men and find themselves with less in common then they used to think.

Jack:   I am finding this discussion of the book interesting and helpful.

Dick:  Well, then, consider:  Interesting that even in the lamastery Western Europeans were seen as being superior to Asians. And interesting that the High Lama predicted the coming of World War II--even the bombing of England by Germany and the bombing of Shanghai by the Japanese. This prediction was written in a novel in 1933--amazing. He also predicted that Shangri-la would be a center of peace and serve as a Renaissance after the coming war--that did not quite work out. 

Dick J:  Why did Conway leave? He had just been offered the position of High Lama yet he left after a brief conversation with Mallinson. Was he simply trying to avoid taking on responsibility and leadership once again? Or did he have other motives? We know that it the end he was still seeking something. 

Karl:  That Conway put his perceived responsibility to Mallinson ahead of his desire to remain at Shangri-La by helping him to escape to join Lo-Tsen I thought put the finishing touches on our understanding of his character. Presumably his final disappearance was an attempt to return to the place where he found peace. That seems consistent and appropriate. That he was asked to lead the multiple-century old complex was a bit of a stretch for me, but didn’t really detract from the rest of the book. I’m left to ponder the question that if I knew I had unlimited time left on this earth how or what I might do differently. It is so contrary to one of the best pieces of advice* I’ve ever been given that I find it difficult to consider.

Tom:  Hilton mentioned Conway’s mental state (maybe PTSD in today’s parlance) several times which gave us a referenced frame for consideration of his Shanghai-La fantasy.

Dick J:  That wisdom comes through a reduction of passions and Moderation in all things were the mottoes of the lamas--they are good advice and really are ideas that have been around at least since the ancient Greeks. 6. Was Shangrai-la really an ideal place? I think we all have such a place in our minds. The dialogue raised lots of interesting questions to think about. 
“It is significant ..... that the English regard slackness as a vice. We, on the other hand, should vastly prefer it to tension. Is there not too much tension in the world at present, and might it not be better if more people were slackers?”  

Mike B:  Apparently there are two movies based on the story:  Frank Capra's 1937 version and (turn the numbers around) a 1973 musical!

Bob S:  I liked the movie better but it was years ago that I saw it.  The book did not delve into the romantic relationship between Lo-Tsen and Mallison as I recall the movie doing. I found undeveloped in the book any basis for Lo-Tsen leaving Shangri-La. As I recall the movie expanded the plot into a relationship between her and Mallison.

Charlie:  I gave the 1937 Frank Capra movie a try. It was thoroughly Hollywood-ized. Unnecessary and gratuitous action scenes, which weren’t in the book. Lo-Tsen transformed into Jane Wyatt playing awful 19th Century music on a grand piano, and skinny dipping with Conway leering at a distance. It was awful; I quit about half-way through.

Jack:  Where the hell are the snacks? 

Ron B:  I’m enjoying the book but won’t have a review ready by Thursday. So far I’m giving it an A
Jack:   I am not a big sci-fi fan, but I did find Hilton's novel well-written. Additionally, the way the characters wrestled with the themes revolving around life's purpose helped keep my interest; however, I did have some difficulty suspending my disbelief, probably because of our modern view of what has become a very small world. It did make me want to check out the film. B
Karl:   I enjoyed this book. I’m moderately sure that I’d recommend this book.  You asked for a grade. Normally, I like to hear what everyone else has to say about the book in question before deciding on a final grade. Often I'm made aware of things I'd overlooked -- sometimes good; sometimes not-so-good. That opportunity apparently lacking this time, I'll just go ahead with a grade of A-/B+. Lost Horizon is a well-written and engaging story, but it falls short of great literature. Hard to decide between A- and B+. Yesterday, I was at A-; today, I think B+. I guess I'll go with that. If I waffle again before results are published, I'll let you know!
Tom:  I enjoyed the book very much, found it more than held my interest, but enjoyed most what I thought was very excellent prose. A
Mike B:  The lamas practiced the original social distancing.  Our zooming together for this virtual meeting seems destined, not unlike the trip to Shangri-La.  I loved the originality of the story (until Bob Simon ruined it for me with his knowledge of Nicholas Roerich).  I would only recommend this book as did Bob Woods:  to a reader who knows the term but has not read the book.  B+
Charlie:  Lost Horizon explores themes which are usually absent in fun fiction - - loneliness, ambition, purpose in life. I give the book a solid A. A pleasure to read and exceptionally well written. 
Bob S:  I loved the book, probably because it strikes my strong attraction to theosophical teachings and my belief that we as sentient beings are connected in the moment and that the moment is connected to eternal truths we all share as we move through time. If that is true, then there could be a unitary common point where our energy connects to all other energy (I call it God). And it is not a stretch to believe that there is a possibility of a place that honors that eternal truth and that has a library that is the repository of the collected works that celebrate eternal truth.  Thank you Bob, for selecting the book.  Solid A.
Keith:  Character develop./plot..[A]...Writing good,,except Brit. 1930 patois...[B]..Ending ..fell off mountain..[B-]...Overall..[B+].
Kenny G:  As I read the book, it seemed like a timely selection since their airline flight into unknown circumstances parallels our current coronavirus flight into unknown circumstances. Overall grade B+
Dick J:  I really did not know what to expect when I began reading Lost Horizon but I thoroughly enjoyed it. The story is very interesting, the characters are interesting, and it is quite well written. I will probably reread this book at some future time. I liked it a lot but I don't think I can give it a straight A.  Rather I give it an A-
Bob WThank you all for taking the trouble to attend tonight.  “When sorrows come, they come not as single spies, but as battalions.”   Judy and I are sorry to be held in quarantine in Puerto Valarta.