- When did you first read a Kurt Vonnegut novel?
- What worked in this 1965 story that would not work today?
- Why is it that every year some rich young man comes in to our Law Firm and wants to give all his money away? "Your travels are over, Space Wanderer!"
- The works of Kilgore Trout.
- Re Norman Mushari of Cornell Law School: how does one certify that his tremendous ass was indeed luminous when bare?
- Poo-tee-weet?
- How does God Bless You, Mr Rosewater lead into Slaughterhouse Five?
Respectively submitted,
The Law Firm of McAllister, Robjent, Reed, and McGee
Jack Farrell: I had read Slaughterhouse Five previously. Like SHF, this book was thought- provoking, involving issues associated with distribution of wealth; The Father-Senator figure is an image since Roman times. It was tragic that the rewards for compassion and sharing was life in an insane asylum. I highly recommend it: A
Charlie: these were cartoonish characters, in a satiric and dark view of all things, not a compassionate view. B+
Bob Woods: I was 14 when I first read Vonnegut. I read lots of them and considered it almost science fiction, not a lot from the story. This did not meet my expectations for a Vonnegut story. I missed the point until the last chapter. Not impressed. B+
Kenny G: This was my first Vonnegut book. Since I thought the meeting was not until next week, I blasted through, Genoni-style. I found it repetitious, I expected more humor. I did not find it to be very humorous. "... luminous ass" and the "banana thrust through a pineapple ring" B+
Bob Simon: I found it a fast read, I loved the dialogue. Good at, raised some interesting points such as how rich people make a life for themselves when endowed with great riches. I found the ending very unsatisfying and similar to Farewell to Arms by Hemingway. B
Dick Jensen: I have been reading Kristin Lavsransdatter, a Norwegian historical trilogy. I read this Vonnegut after one-third of Kristin, and enjoyed it because everyone was crazy, and very tongue-in-cheek. Giving to 53 kids, we create a multitude of lawsuits, Fred probably did not get anything. A-
Keith: Kurt Vonnegut would reply to our criticism by saying: "I have long felt that any reviewer who expresses rage and loathing for a novel is preposterous. He or she is like a person who has put on full body armor and attacked a hot fudge sundae or a banana split." He loathed science, and his brother was a scientist. The writing was rambling with islands of wisdom. Does not know what he does not know. B-
Dick Arms: I had no problem with his character development, he had great characters. Fred was a great character. The high school girl selling porn. But what is he trying to tell me? I never resolved why did he write the book? The ending was an enging that kept the money from going to Rhode Island part of the family. A-
Tom Genoni: It was a disappointing ending. Preachy stuff - adolescent. Vonnegut: "I still believe that peace and plenty and happiness can be worked out - I am a fool." There is a surreal fel throughout the book. Would not recommend it. B

Mike B: This is the first time I have read this book since 1965. I read a lot of sci-fi then; now, as a more discerning reader, I find that I enjoyed this more than Slaughterhouse Five, except for the catch phrase, "So it goes." SH5 was an anti-war book written at the height of the Vietnam War. I really liked the Fred character, trying to sell life insurance. There was a great deal more plots and things going on, and it was fun and cartoonish. I would recommend it. B+
no comments submitted from outside of Rosewater, IN.
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